Monday, March 26, 2018

Olympic Weightlifting Week of 180326

Snatch (Wednesday)

1.  Working every 90sec for 8 sets:
3 Low-hang snatch high pulls 
+ 3 High-hang squat snatch
-Start with 40%, and build throughout.

2.  On the minute x12:

Min1:  3 @70%
Min2:  2 @75%
Min3:  1 @80%
Min4:  Rest

3.  On the minute x8:

Snatch balance + Pausing OHS + OHS @70%

Clean and Jerk (Friday)

1.  On the minute x9:
Hang Squat Clean + Squat Clean & Jerk
Min1:  70%
Min2:  75%
Min3:  80%

-rest 2:00

Clean and jerk

Min6:  82%
Min7:  84%
Min8:  86%

2.  Front Squat - 6x2

Sets 1&2:  75%
Sets 3&4:  80%
Sets 5&6:  85%

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