Friday, September 28, 2018

Saturday, September 29, 2018

For Time:
50 double unders
50 db hang clean and jerk (50/35#, partition as desired)
40 double unders
40 goblet squats
30 double unders
30 db snatch
20 double unders
20 handstand push-ups (strict push-ups/pike)
10 double unders
10 muscle-ups (sub strict pulling)

Friday, September 21, 2018

Saturday September 22, 2018: Coach Kate’s birthday workout

For time (capped @10:00):
100/80cal row
EVERY 2min, starting at 0:00:
3 muscle ups/10 pull-ups/15 ring rows

3 rounds For time:
9 power cleans (155/105)
22 wall balls
80 DU/single unders

For time:

38 burpees

Friday, September 14, 2018

Saturday September 15, 2018

For time:
Hang squat cleans (95/65#)
Handstand push-ups (sub 2-3-4 wall climbs)

For time:
Box jumps (20”)
kB swings (24/16kg)

For time:
Deadlifts (135/95#)
Double unders (x2 singles)

Wednesday, September 12, 2018

Olympic Weightlifting week of 180910

Clean and Jerk:

1.  On the 90sec x7:
3 hang squat cleans

2.  Every 2min x7:
Power Clean + Squat clean + jerk

Snatch (Friday):

1.  On the minute x6:
Hang squat snatch + power snatch

2.  Snatch
Build to a heavy single for the day in ~7:00

3.  Using percentage of above:
On the minute x3:
3 @65%
2 @70%
1 @75%
-rest 1 additional minute
3 @70%
2 @75%
1 @80%

Monday, September 3, 2018

Olympic Weightlifting week of 180903

Snatch 8-6(for open gym)
1.  3-position squat snatch (mid-thigh, below knee, floor)
5 sets @65%.  rest 1:00 b/w rounds.

2.  Power snatch + squat snatch
7 sets, working every 90seconds @75% for all sets.

3.  Overhead Squat
-Build to a heavy double out of the rack

Clean and Jerk (Friday)
1.  Clean and Jerk Primer
power clean + low hang squat clean + front squat + push jerk
-Working every 90sec x5 sets.  Build from 70%

2.  Power clean + hang squat clean
On the minute x3 @70% (of 2rm hscl), rest an additional minute.  x3 sets.

3.  Build to a heavy jerk out of the rack.