Friday, December 29, 2017

Saturday December 30, 2017

Smell ya later, 2017....

For Time:

904m Row
70 s2oh
70 box jumps - 24/20"
70 hang power cleans
903m Row

barbells 75/55#

OLY 12-29-17

1.  Snatch Pull Strength:
On the Minute x3:
2 segmented snatch deadlift (4-position)
On the Minute x3:
3 snatch deadlift 
On the Minute x3:
3 position snatch pull (High hang - Knee - Floor)

2.  Power Development
On the 90seconds for 7 sets:
3 power snatch singles + 2 OHS

3.  Snatch
On the Minute for 4 sets:
Min1:  3 reps @72%
Min2:  2 reps @78%
Min3:  1 rep @ 82%

-rest 30sec-

Friday, December 22, 2017

Oly 12-22-17

1.  On the 3's:
Minutes 0-3:  3 hang power cleans
Minutes 3-6:  4 front squats
Minutes 6-9:  5 clean deadlifts

2.  Jerk practice:
On the minute x5:
3 pausing jerk balance

-rest 2:00

On the minute x5:
3 Jerks @80%

3.  Clean and Jerk:
On the 90seconds x6:
-60% x3+1
-65% x3+1
-70% x3+1
-(75% x3+1)x3

Tuesday, December 19, 2017

Oly 12-20-17

1.  Snatch Pull Strength:
On the Minute x5:
1 segmented snatch deadlift (4-position) +
1 snatch deadlift +
1 hang snatch pull

2.  Power Development
On the Minute:
Minutes 0-3:  High-hang power snatch x3
-rest to 4-
Minutes 4-7:  Low-hang power snatch x2
-rest to 8-
Minutes 8-11:  Power snatch singles x3

3.  Snatch
On the Minute for 4 sets:
Min1:  3 reps @70%
Min2:  2 reps @75%
Min3:  1 rep @ 80%
Min4:  rest

Friday, December 15, 2017

Saturday, December 16, 2017

Every 3min for 5 sets:
Min 0, 15:  Burpees
Min 3, 18:  Cal Row
Min 6, 21:  20 Clean to overhead
Min 9, 24:  AMRAP3
Min 12:  rest

Level 1:  
15 burpees
20/18cal row
5 pull-ups + 10 push-ups + 15 squats

Level 2: 
20 burpees
30/20cal row
2 rope climbs + 10 push-ups + 15 wall balls

Level 3:
30 burpees
40/30cal row
5 M-U (sub 10 ctb or 15 pullups) + 10 HSPU + 15 db front rack lunges (50/35#)

Oly 12-15-17

1.  Snatch Deadlift
On the minute x5
2 segmented snatch deadlifts (4-position)
+ 2 snatch deadlifts
*build bar each set.

2.  Power Development
On the Minute x9
Minutes 0-2:  High-hang power snatch x3
Minutes 3-5:  Low hang power snatch x3
Minutes 7-9:  Power snatch singles x3
*build bar each set.

3.  Snatch
10x1,  build to a heavy single in 10 sets.

Tuesday, December 12, 2017

Olympic Lifting Wednesday, December 13, 2017

1.  Cleans
On the minute x5:  5 clean deadlifts
-rest 2:00
On the minute x5:  2 Hang power cleans + 3 front squats

2.  Jerk practice
On the 4-minutes:
Minutes 0-3:  Pausing jerk balance 5x3
Minutes 3-6:  Jerk balance 5x3
Minutes 6-9:  Jerk 5x3

3.  Clean & Jerk
On the minute x10:
1 Clean and jerk
*Build to a heavy single

Friday, December 8, 2017

Saturday December 9, 2017

5 sets:

Min1: db hang squat clean thrusters (50/35)

Min2: cal row 

Min3: DU/SU

MIN4: HSPU/strict pushups

Min5: db snatch (50/35)

-rest 2:00

Oly 12-8-17

1.  Clean
On the Minute x8
Evens:  5 clean deadlifts
Odds:  2 hang power clean + 3 front squats

2.  Jerk
On the 3-minutes:
Minutes 1-3:  Pausing Jerk balance (5x3)
Minutes 4-6:  Jerk Balance (5x3)
Minutes 7-9:  Split Jerk (5x3)

3.  Clean and Jerk
On the minute x10
1 clean and jerk
*build to a heavy single.

Tuesday, December 5, 2017

Oly 12-6-17

1.  Snatch deadlift
On the Minute x5:
2 segmented snatch deadlifts (4-position)
+ 2 snatch deadlifts
*build bar each set.

*The segmented snatch deadlift is a great tool for developing proper body/bar position for the lift.  It allows the lifter to understand how to apply force and engage the proper musculature in the first pull of the snatch (ground to hips).  Each position (2"-knee-mid thigh-pockets) will be held for 2-3 seconds.  Immediately after your two segmented reps, perform 2 snatch deadlifts using the same exact technique, only not stopping.

2.  Power Development
On the Minute x9:
Minutes 1-3:  High-hang power snatch x3
Minutes 4-6:  Low-hang power snatch x2
Minutes 7-9:  Power snatch x1
*build bar each set.

*The power snatch is a great tool we use to develop power (force x speed).  The first position is taken from the high hang, AKA the pockets.  We use the high hang to put you in a perfect position to jump-pull-drop under the barbell.  Next we move to the low hang, AKA the knee.  You can either begin above the patella or below.  The goal is to pull the bar up to the pockets in a controlled way.  Acceleration will be emphasized from the low hang and will help you move more weight.  The power snatch begins from the floor.  After drilling the first two positions, we should be set up to hit the power snatch with minimal amounts of error.

3.  Snatch
On the Minute x10:
1 snatch
*build to a heavy single in 10 sets.

Friday, December 1, 2017

Saturday, December 2, 2017

10/8cal AB
20 Abmat Situps

-rest 2:00

10 Wallball (20/14 @10/9' target)
20 D-U/40 singles

-rest 2:00

5 Squat Cleans
10 S2OH

-rest 2:00

8 BJSD (24/20")
10/8cal Row

Athletes may start at any spot.

Friday, November 24, 2017

Saturday, November 25, 2017

A.  Every 2:00w/1:00r for 5 sets:
15 KB Swings (24/16kg)
15/10cal AB
10 Box Jump Overs (24/20")
Max Reps clean to overhead (95/65#)

B.  Every 2:00w/1:00r for 5 sets:
12 HSPU or 4 Wall Climbs (1 burpee after each wall climb)
12 Pull-ups
12 Burpees
Max Reps D-U

Rest 5:00 between A and B.

Sunday, November 19, 2017

New Olympic Weightlifting Class at the Shed!!!!!!!!

Beginning Wednesday, December 6th, we are offering an additional Olympic Weightlifting class for all members.  It will replace the current Wednesday night 7:30pm class.  To learn more, see below!

Who is this class for?
This class is for everybody from beginner to seasoned athlete.  It is a great time to get extra practice with the lifts and learn the safest and most efficient way to move a barbell.  Remember:  Olympic Weightlifting is its own Olympic sport, so it takes many years to master the lifts.  If you like to challenge yourself mentally and physically, then this class is for you!  

What do we offer?
Each member who comes in will get 1-on-1 attention, effective warm-up exercises and lifting progressions.  We will alternate the training focus each week (i.e. Clean and Jerks one week/snatches the next week).  Special attention will be put on strength, speed, power and flexibility development.  

Why Olympic Weightlifting?
Many of the top Strength and Conditioning programs incorporate olympic weightlifting in their training.  According to Science for Sport, 97% of high school athletic programs, 88% of NFL programs, 100% of NHL and 95% of NBA programs incorporate olympic weightlifting into their strength and conditioning programs.  Why?  Because it is regarded as one of the best tools for power-development along with skill and kinesthetic development.  
In short, it will help you learn the most efficient and safest way to move a heavy implement all while building strength and body awareness that will help you in all of your workouts, whether they involve a barbell or not.

Our Wednesday night Olympic Weightlifting class is in addition to our Friday 4:30 class and will be most effective if you attend both each week.  Workouts will be posted on this website every Tuesday and Thursday night.  It is highly recommended to use this class as your workout for the day, especially if you are just starting out. 

If you have any questions or concerns, shoot me a comment on here or email @

Friday, November 17, 2017

Saturday, November 17, 2017

EMOM 9:00:
Minute 1:  2 rope climbs
Minute 2:  1:00 Plank
Minute 3:  30sec loaded wall sit

-rest to 15:00 on timer-

For Time:
100 DU (or 2:00 attempts)
8 Wall Climbs (or 16 HSPU)
60/45 Cal Row
4 Muscle-ups (or 16 pull-ups + 16 push-ups)
20 Burpees
4 Muscle-ups (or 16 pull-ups + 16 push-ups)
40/30 Cal AB
8 Wall Climbs (16 HSPU)
100 DU (or 100 ski jumps)

Oly November 17, 2017

1.  Clean pull emom:
*On even minutes, complete 2 reps of Segmented Clean Deadlift
*On odd minutes, complete 3 reps of:  Clean high-pull + Hang Clean high-pull + 2 Hang Squat Clean 
Minutes 0-3:  80%
Minutes 4-7:  85%
Minutes 8-11:  90%

2.  Clean Complex:
Power Clean + Squat Clean + Jerk
*Start @50-60%, and build.

3.  Clean and Jerk
2 reps @70%
1 rep, building to a heavy single.

Friday, November 10, 2017

Saturday, November 11, 2017

A.  AMRAP 1:00 for 5 sets:
8 Hang Power Cleans (NTE 135/95#)
8 Thrusters
Max Burpees
-1:00 rest-

B.  AMRAP 1:00 for 5 sets:
6 DB G2OH (NTE 75/55#)
8 Goblet Squats
Max D-U/S-U
-1:00 rest-

C.  For Time:
9 - 7 - 5:

Thursday, November 9, 2017

OLY 11-10-17

1.  Snatch pull emom:
*On even minutes, complete 2 reps of Segmented Snatch Deadlift.
*On odd minutes, complete 3 reps of Snatch Hi-Pull
Minutes 0-3:  80%
Minutes 4-7:  85%
Minutes 8-11:  90%

2.  Snatch Complex:
High hang snatch + low hang snatch + snatch balance
*Start @50-60%, and build.

3.  Snatch
2 reps @70%
1 rep, building to a heavy single.

Sunday, November 5, 2017

Saturday, November 4, 2017

Double Unders/Box Jumps (Alternate every other minute)
Every Minute, starting at 0:00, perform 10 deadlifts
L1:  95/65
L2:  135/95
L3:  185/125

3 Clean to overhead
6 Handstand Push-ups
9 Wallballs

C.  21-15-9
Burpees over bar

Perform choice, after each set:
L1:  4 wall climbs
L2:  2 rope climbs
L3:  5 Muscle-ups

Thursday, November 2, 2017

Oly Friday, November 3, 2017

A. Snatch Pull Cluster
EMOM for 4 sets:
Minute 1:  3 reps @85%,
Minute 2:  2 reps @90%
Minute 3:  1 rep @100%

B.  Squat Clean and Jerk:
EMOM5:  3 reps @50-70%
-rest 2:00
EMOM5:  2 reps @60-80%
-rest 2:00
EMOM5:  1 rep, building.

C.  Tempo Overhead Squat
5x2 @32X1
Use 95-100% of your 1rm snatch

Friday, October 27, 2017

Saturday, October 28, 2017

3 Muscle-ups/3 burpee pull-ups
6 Squat cleans
9 HSPU or 3 wall climbs
-rest 5:00
5 T2B
10 box jumps
15 deadlifts
-rest 5:00
10 DB G2OH
20 air squats
30 DU/bar hops


1.  Snatch EMOM:
4 rounds of the following:
Min1:  3 Snatches @ 78%
Min2:  2 Snatches @ 83%
Min3:  1 Snatch @88%
Min4:  Rest

2.  Overhead Squat
5x2 @97% 1rm snatch

3. 'Isabel'
For Time:
30 Snatches (135/95)

Friday, October 20, 2017

Saturday, October 21, 2017

A. For Time:

30 wallball (20/14#)

30 power cleans (135/95#)

B1. Amrap3

400m run

Max S2OH


B2. Amrap3

200m run buy-in, then:

3 power snatch

5 air squats


B3. Amrap3

20/15cal AB

Max thrusters


B4. Amrap2

Max reps of:


1. EMOM5

1 deadlift + 1 clean pull + 1 squat clean

Building toward a heavy single

2. EMOM5

1 squat clean

Build to a 1rm squat clean

3. Front squat

5x2 @87%

4. Barbell cycling

2 rounds:

5 power cleans + 5 push jerks + 5 front squats

Use 80% 1rm squat clean

Rest 2:00 b/w sets 

Wednesday, October 18, 2017

Friday, October 13, 2017

Saturday, October 14, 2017

1.  Every other minute for 10:00:

Option 1:  1-2 Rope Climbs + max reps kb swings
Option 2:  2 Wall Climbs + max reps air squats
Option 3:  3 Muscle-ups + max cal AB

3 Rounds for max reps:
1:00 max wallballs (20/14 @10/9' target)
1:00 max SDHP (75#)
1:00 max Box Jumps (20")
1:00 max Push Press
1:00 max Cal Row
1:00 rest
1.  Snatch Doubles
Minutes 1, 2, 3:  75%
Minutes 5, 6, 7:  80%
Minutes 9, 10, 11:  85%
-rest 2:00
Minutes 14, 15, 16:  1 snatch, building to a heavy single for the day.

2.  Overhead Squat
4x3 @95% 1rm snatch

3.  Segmented Snatch Deadlift
3 reps OTM for 5 sets @110% snatch

Friday, October 6, 2017

Saturday October 7, 2017
A.  Every 3:00 for 5 sets:
10sec AB sprint
12/10cal row
10 heavy Russian KB Swings

-rest 5:00

B.  Every 3:00 for 7 sets:
1 Rope Climb (sub 5 rope pull-ups)
5 Clean & Jerks (not to exceed 155/105)
10 wallballs (20/14# @10' target)
Max Box Jumps (24/20#)
October 6, 2017

1.  Clean and Jerk
EMOM9 (3 rounds):
Hang Squat Clean + Squat Clean + Jerk
Minute 1, 4, 7:  70%
Minute 2, 5, 8:  75%
Minute 3, 6, 9:  80%
--rest 2:00--
EMOM3 (1 round):
Squat Clean + Jerk
Minute 1:  82%
Minute 2:  84%
Minute 3:  86%

2.  Front Squat 6x2 (Percentages based off 1rm Front Squat)
Sets 1&2:  75%
Sets 3&4:  80%
Sets 5&6:  85%

3.  Snatch Deadlift:
*pause in power position
3 snatch deadlifts
Minutes 1&2:  80%
Minutes 3&4:  85%
Minutes 5&6:  90%

Friday, September 22, 2017

1.  Snatch
Build to a 1rm snatch in 10:00

2.  Overhead Squat
5x5 @90% of your 1rm snatch

3.  EMOM10
Evens:  Segmented Snatch Deadlift
Odds:  3 Snatch Balances

Friday, September 15, 2017

1.  Clean and Jerk
65% x3
70% x3
75% x2
85% x1x3

2.  Front Squat
80% x4x5 (based off squat clean weight)

3.  Complex
Working every 2:00 for 7 sets:
2 clean DL w/ pause @ power position
+ power clean
+ hang squat clean