Wednesday, January 31, 2018

Oly 2-2-18

1.  On the minute x10:
Evens:  3 high-hang squat cleans
Odds:  3 jerks
* first set @40%, then build.

2.  Clean and Jerk
70% x2
75% x2
80% x2
85% x2
90% x1 x3 sets

3.  Front Squat
Every 2:00 for 5 sets:
5 front squats @70%

Sunday, January 28, 2018

Oly 1-30-18

Wednesday night oly is on Tuesday night, just for this coming week.  Wednesday night will be a regular wod.

1.  On the minute x5
3 high hang snatch (from pockets)
--directly into:
On the minute x5
Snatch balance

*First set ~40%, then build.  Track heaviest successful set.

2.  Every 30sec for 6 sets:
1 snatch grip deadlift
+ 1 low-hang snatch pull

*low hang is below knee, 1" above floor.

3.  Snatch
70% x2
75% x2
80% x2
85% x2
90% x1  x3 sets

Friday, January 26, 2018

Saturday, January 26, 2018

5 rounds of:
  1. Amrap 30sec
5 hang power clean and jerk 
Max cal AB
-rest 30sec before part 2

  1. Amrap 30sec
1 rope climb
Max burpees
-rest 30sec before part 3

  1. Amrap 30sec
Max db g2oh
-rest 1:30, then back to part 1.

Thursday, January 25, 2018

Oly 1-26-18

1.  On the minute x5
3 high hang snatch (from pockets)
--directly into:
On the minute x5
3 snatch balance
*First set on each starts @40%

2.  EMOM3:
3 snatch high pulls @95%

3.  Snatch:
3x2 @85%

*snatch doubles and triples do not need to be touch-and-go.

Monday, January 22, 2018

Oly 1-24-18

1.  On the Minute x10 @40%
Evens:  3 high-hang squat cleans*
Odds:  3 jerks
*high hang cleans are from the pockets.  Torso should be vertical--scaps and lats engaged and actively pulling bar in before pull.  Keep barbell on the lighter side.  Focus is hard shrug and speed under bar.

2.  Clean + Jerk
65% x3+1
70% x2+1
75% x2+1
80% x2+1
85% x1+1  x3

Friday, January 19, 2018

Saturday, January 20, 2018

A.  Every 30sec for 10 sets:
1 Clean and Jerk
*build bar each set

B.  Every 5:00 for 5 sets:
87 D-U (1:00 cap) buy-in

AMRAP in remaining time:
1 bear complex, using 100% of A
10cal row
1 bear complex
10 burpees

C. For Time:
31cal AB

*bear complex:  power clean, front squat, push jerk, back squat, behind the neck push jerk

Wednesday, January 17, 2018

Oly 1-17-18

1. On the minute x8
Evens: 5 tall snatch
Odds: 5 snatch balance
*first set with empty barbell. Build each set.

2. On the minute x6:
3 pausing hang power snatch (floor to pause @knee)

3. Snatch x5 sets:
Min1: 3 @75%
Min2: 2 @80%
Min3: 1 @85^
Min4: rest

Friday, January 12, 2018

Saturday, January 12, 2018

5 Rounds for Time:
9 Thrusters
35 Double Unders
10 Power Snatch
3 Muscle-ups (6 pull-ups + 1 wall climb)

Barbell:  95/65#

Oly 1-12-17

1. On the minute x8
Evens: 5 tall snatch
Odds: 5 snatch balance
*first set with empty barbell. Build each set.

2. On the minute x6:
3 pausing hang power snatch (floor to pause @knee)

3. Snatch x5 sets:
Min1: 3 @75%
Min2: 2 @80%
Min3: 1 @85^
Min4: rest

Wednesday, January 10, 2018

Oly 1-10-18

1.  On the Minute x5
3 power cleans
+ 3 front squats
+ 3 jerks

2.  On the Minute x5
1 clean pull
+ hang squat clean
+ jerk

3.  Clean and Jerk
-On the 90-seconds
65% x3+1
70% x3+1
75% x3+1
80% x3+1  x3

Friday, January 5, 2018

Saturday January 6, 2018

For Time:
80 Calorie Row
30 Deadlift
60 Cal Row
20 Push Jerks
40 Cal Row
15 Overhead/Back Squat
20 Cal Row
10 Squat Clean Thrusters

Level 1:  75/55
Level 2:  95/65
Level 3:  115/75

OLY 1-5-18

1.  On the Minute x5
3 power cleans
+ 3 front squats
+ 3 jerks

2.  On the Minute x5
1 clean pull
+ hang squat clean
+ jerk

3.  Clean and Jerk
-On the 90-seconds
65% x3+1
70% x3+1
75% x3+1
80% x3+1  x3

Tuesday, January 2, 2018

Oly 1-2-18

1.  Snatch Pull Strength:
On the Minute x3:
2 segmented snatch deadlift (4-position)

-Sets should be around your 1rm snatch.
On the Minute x3:
3 snatch deadlift 
On the Minute x3:
3 position snatch pull (High hang - Knee - Floor)

2.  Power Development
On the 90seconds for 7 sets:
3 power snatch singles + 2 OHS

3.  Snatch
On the Minute for 4 sets:
Min1:  3 reps @72%
Min2:  2 reps @78%
Min3:  1 rep @ 82%