Monday, March 12, 2018

Olympic Weightlifting week of 180312

*Each week, both Olympic days will be posted here.  You have the option of completing the workout that you miss.  We will no longer repeat the workout from Wednesday to Friday. Contact me for any questions.

Snatch (Wednesday):
1.    Power Snatch:
On the minute x5:
Min1:  4@50%
Min2:  3@60%
Min3-5:  2@70%

2.    On the minute x4: @60%
Evens:  3-position snatch pull (hi-hang, knee, floor)
Odds:  1 Snatch + 2 OHS

3.    On the minute x6:
Min 1&2:  3 reps @70%
Min 3&4:  2 reps @80%
Min 5&6:  1 rep @90%

Clean and Jerk (Friday)
1.   Clean pull + Hang Squat clean
*Finish tall with elbows high and outside.  Then lower bar between knee and mid-thigh before dropping under barbell.  Finish one complete rep, drop the bar, then go for rep 2.
2 x 2 @75%
2 x 2 @80%
3 x 2 @85%

2.    Power Clean + Power Jerk
3 reps @60%
3 reps @70%
2x3 reps @75%

3.    Front Squat
Build to a heavy single out of the rack.

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