Friday, July 26, 2019

Saturday, July 27th, 2019

on the minute x10:
Evens:  15-12-9-6-3 Unbroken Deadlifts *Building in weight
Odds:  5 Handstand Push-ups or 5 dumbbell z-press

-rest to 15:00, then:

2 rounds of:
10 burpees + 10 hang power cleans @95/65
-directly into-

2 rounds of:
10 box jump overs @24/20” + 10 shoulder to overhead @115/85
-directly into-

2 rounds of:
10 t2b +10 clean + jerks 135/95

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Olympic Weightlifting 7-26-19

1.  power snatch + snatch
1+1 x2 @65%
1+1 x2 @70%
1+1 x2 @75%

2.  power clean + power jerk 
5 sets @75%

3.  hang squat clean
5 x 2

Friday, July 12, 2019

Saturday, July 13, 2019

**All rep schemes are 2-4-6-8...... unless otherwise stated.

Thrusters (75/55)
Bar Facing Burpees

-rest 3:00-

B.  AMRAP 3:
Wall Ball (20/14 @10/9')
Burpee Pull-ups or Burpee Muscle-ups (only 1-2 reps each set)

-rest 3:00-

C.  AMRAP 3:
Handstand Push-ups / barbell push-press (75/55)
Burpee Box Jump Overs

-rest 3:00-

D.  AMRAP 3:
Double Unders (10-20-30-40.........)
Burpee Toes-to-bar