Sunday, April 29, 2018

Olympic Weightlifting Week of 180430

DELOAD WEEK (no percentages.  go by feel)


1.  On the minute x5:
3 Snatch Balance

2.  On the minute x10:
Evens:  3 power snatch singles
Odds:  3 hang squat snatch

3.  On the minute x5:
3 snatch balance

Clean & Jerk

1.  On the minute x5:
3-position power clean (Mid thigh - Below knee - deck)

2.  On the minute x5:
3 Split Jerk

3.  On the minute x9
Minutes 0-2:  2 hang squat cleans
Minutes 4-6:  2 low hang squat cleans
Minutes 7-9:  2 squat cleans

Friday, April 27, 2018

Saturday, April 28, 2018

A.  Gymnastics Conditioning
Evens: 50% average tested reps 
Odds: 30sec AB/row 
*for athletes who have not yet tested for baseline score, work for 45 seconds @80%.

-rest to 15:00

50/40cal row, then:
15 hang power cleans (95/65)
15 burpees over bar


35/30cal row, then:
12 power cleans (115/80)
12 burpees over bar


25/20cal row, then:
9 clean to overhead (135/95)

9 burpees over bar

Sunday, April 22, 2018

Olympic Weightlifting Week of 180422

Clean & Jerk
1.  On the minute x9:
Hang Squat clean + Squat clean + Split Jerk
Min1:  76%
Min2:  81%
Min3:  86%

-rest to 11:00 on timer, then:

On the minute x3:

Squat Clean + Split Jerk
Min1:  86%
Min2:  88%
Min3:  90%

2.  Front Squat (6x2):
Sets 1&2:  80%
Sets 3&4:  85%
Sets 5&6:  90%

1.  On the 5min:
From 0:00-5:00:
4 sets @nte55%
Snatch balance + Hang Snatch

From 5:00-10:00:

heavy power snatch double x4 sets

From 10:00-15:00:

2-position snatch pull x4 sets

2.  On the 90sec x7:

Hang squat snatch 
+ squat snatch
**no percentages, go by feel.

Friday, April 20, 2018

Saturday, April 19, 2018

A.  Gymnastics Conditioning
3 rounds, working @ 0:00, 5:00, 10:00
40%, rest 45sec
30%, rest 25sec

-rest to 15:00

3 power cleans (205/145#)
9 T2B/HKR/Abmats

-rest 3:00

5 pull-ups  (115/80#)
10 s2oh
15 DU

-rest 3:00

10 deadlifts  (185/95#)
10 burpees over bar

*rest 3:00, then back to B.  x2

Sunday, April 15, 2018

Olympic Weightlifting Week of 180416

**If you have not tested your 1rm squat clean,  get this in before Friday, or you will be testing in place of part 1.


1.  On the 5min:
From 0:00-5:00:
4 sets @nte55%
Snatch balance - 3-3-2-1

From 5:00-10:00:
Power Snatch triple x3 sets

From 10:00-15:00:
3 Snatch pull x4 sets

2.  On the 90sec x7:
Hang squat snatch 
+ squat snatch
**no percentages, go by feel.

Clean and Jerk

1.  On the minute x9:
Hang Squat clean + Squat clean + Split Jerk
Min1:  76%
Min2:  81%
Min3:  86%

-rest to 11:00 on timer, then:

On the minute x3:
Squat Clean + Split Jerk
Min1:  86%
Min2:  88%
Min3:  90%

2.  Front Squat (6x2):
Sets 1&2:  80%
Sets 3&4:  85%
Sets 5&6:  90%

Friday, April 13, 2018

Saturday, April 14, 2018

1.  Gymnastics conditioning

3 rounds, working @0:00, 5:00, 10:00 (percentages off last week's average)
40%; rest 1:00
30%; rest 30sec

2.Working every 3:00, for three sets:
1 set @ max effort:
9 bar facing burpees 
5 squat cleans
rest to 3:00, 13, 23
1 set @ max effort:
15 deadlifts
15 box jumps
rest to 6:00, 16, 26
1 set @ max effort:
10 front rack lunges
10 S2OH
rest to 10:00, 20

Sunday, April 8, 2018

Olympic Weightlifting week of 180409

Clean and Jerk

1.  Squat clean
Build to a 1rm squat clean in 15:00

2.  On the minute x10:
2 split jerks

3.  On the minute x10:
3 front squats


1.  On the 5:00 

From 0:00-5:00
3 sets @nte55%
3 snatch balance
3 hang squat snatch

From 5:00-10:00
4 sets @nte70%:
Power snatch + hang squat snatch

From 10:00-15:00
4 sets @nte80%:
5 Snatch pull 

2.  Snatch
Min1:  2 @75%
Min2:  2 @80%
Min3:  2 @85%
Min4:  Rest

Thursday, April 5, 2018

Saturday April 7, 2018

1.  Gymnastics conditioning
Max reps in 1:00 of:
-Chest-to-bar pull-ups

rest 2:00, then repeat.  Track average of the two sets for the next following weeks.

2.  AMRAP20:
10 burpee pull-ups
20 box jump overs (20")
40 cal row
80 double unders