Sunday, April 29, 2018

Olympic Weightlifting Week of 180430

DELOAD WEEK (no percentages.  go by feel)


1.  On the minute x5:
3 Snatch Balance

2.  On the minute x10:
Evens:  3 power snatch singles
Odds:  3 hang squat snatch

3.  On the minute x5:
3 snatch balance

Clean & Jerk

1.  On the minute x5:
3-position power clean (Mid thigh - Below knee - deck)

2.  On the minute x5:
3 Split Jerk

3.  On the minute x9
Minutes 0-2:  2 hang squat cleans
Minutes 4-6:  2 low hang squat cleans
Minutes 7-9:  2 squat cleans

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