Friday, October 27, 2017

Saturday, October 28, 2017

3 Muscle-ups/3 burpee pull-ups
6 Squat cleans
9 HSPU or 3 wall climbs
-rest 5:00
5 T2B
10 box jumps
15 deadlifts
-rest 5:00
10 DB G2OH
20 air squats
30 DU/bar hops


1.  Snatch EMOM:
4 rounds of the following:
Min1:  3 Snatches @ 78%
Min2:  2 Snatches @ 83%
Min3:  1 Snatch @88%
Min4:  Rest

2.  Overhead Squat
5x2 @97% 1rm snatch

3. 'Isabel'
For Time:
30 Snatches (135/95)

Friday, October 20, 2017

Saturday, October 21, 2017

A. For Time:

30 wallball (20/14#)

30 power cleans (135/95#)

B1. Amrap3

400m run

Max S2OH


B2. Amrap3

200m run buy-in, then:

3 power snatch

5 air squats


B3. Amrap3

20/15cal AB

Max thrusters


B4. Amrap2

Max reps of:


1. EMOM5

1 deadlift + 1 clean pull + 1 squat clean

Building toward a heavy single

2. EMOM5

1 squat clean

Build to a 1rm squat clean

3. Front squat

5x2 @87%

4. Barbell cycling

2 rounds:

5 power cleans + 5 push jerks + 5 front squats

Use 80% 1rm squat clean

Rest 2:00 b/w sets 

Wednesday, October 18, 2017

Friday, October 13, 2017

Saturday, October 14, 2017

1.  Every other minute for 10:00:

Option 1:  1-2 Rope Climbs + max reps kb swings
Option 2:  2 Wall Climbs + max reps air squats
Option 3:  3 Muscle-ups + max cal AB

3 Rounds for max reps:
1:00 max wallballs (20/14 @10/9' target)
1:00 max SDHP (75#)
1:00 max Box Jumps (20")
1:00 max Push Press
1:00 max Cal Row
1:00 rest
1.  Snatch Doubles
Minutes 1, 2, 3:  75%
Minutes 5, 6, 7:  80%
Minutes 9, 10, 11:  85%
-rest 2:00
Minutes 14, 15, 16:  1 snatch, building to a heavy single for the day.

2.  Overhead Squat
4x3 @95% 1rm snatch

3.  Segmented Snatch Deadlift
3 reps OTM for 5 sets @110% snatch

Friday, October 6, 2017

Saturday October 7, 2017
A.  Every 3:00 for 5 sets:
10sec AB sprint
12/10cal row
10 heavy Russian KB Swings

-rest 5:00

B.  Every 3:00 for 7 sets:
1 Rope Climb (sub 5 rope pull-ups)
5 Clean & Jerks (not to exceed 155/105)
10 wallballs (20/14# @10' target)
Max Box Jumps (24/20#)
October 6, 2017

1.  Clean and Jerk
EMOM9 (3 rounds):
Hang Squat Clean + Squat Clean + Jerk
Minute 1, 4, 7:  70%
Minute 2, 5, 8:  75%
Minute 3, 6, 9:  80%
--rest 2:00--
EMOM3 (1 round):
Squat Clean + Jerk
Minute 1:  82%
Minute 2:  84%
Minute 3:  86%

2.  Front Squat 6x2 (Percentages based off 1rm Front Squat)
Sets 1&2:  75%
Sets 3&4:  80%
Sets 5&6:  85%

3.  Snatch Deadlift:
*pause in power position
3 snatch deadlifts
Minutes 1&2:  80%
Minutes 3&4:  85%
Minutes 5&6:  90%