Sunday, February 25, 2018

Olympic Weightlifting Week of 180226

1.  On the minute x7
Low hang snatch
2 @65%
2 @70%
2 @75%
4x1 @80%

2.  Power snatch
3 @60%
3 @70%
2x3 @75%

3.  Snatch Deadlift
5x5 @85%

1.  Clean pull + Hang squat clean
2x2 @75%
2x2 @80%
3x2 @85%

2.  Power clean + Power jerk
3 @60%
3 @70%
2x3 @75%

3.  Front Squat
Build to a heavy single 

Friday, February 16, 2018

Saturday, February 17, 2018

500m Row OR .6mile/.5mile AB
5 Wall Climbs (sub 10 strict push-ups)
10 Front Squats
10 Burpees over bar
10 Overhead barbell Lunges

*barbells not to exceed 115/75#

Oly 2-16 / 21st (clean and jerk test)

1.  3-position squat clean
Hi-hang - knee - floor

2.  Jerk progression (Build in weight)
On the minute x3:
5 strict press in catching position

On the minute x3:
3 tall jerk

On the minute x3:
1 jerk

3.  Clean and Jerk
Build to a 1rm clean and jerk

Saturday, February 10, 2018

Oly 2-14 / 23rd (snatch test)

Great article focused around the "first pull" of the snatch...

1.  On the 90seconds for 7 sets:
3-position snatch (high-hang/knee/floor)

2.  Snatch
On the minute:
3 @65%
2 @75%
2 @85%
1 @90%
+4 more sets, building to a 1rm

3.  Snatch Deadlift:
5 reps @80% of above.  x5

Friday, February 9, 2018

Saturday, February 10, 2018

25 Wallballs (20/14# @10/9' target)
25 Double Unders (sub = 12 jumps over medball)

-rest 2:00

10 Box Jumps (24/20")
10 Toes to bar

-rest 2:00

5 Chest to bar pull-ups
5 Burpees

-rest 2:00

5 Squat Cleans  (145/100#)
5 Shoulder to overhead

-rest 2:00

10 Power Snatch (145/100#)
5 Muscle-ups (sub = 5 ring rows + 5 push-ups)

Wednesday, February 7, 2018

fOLY 2-9-18

1.  On the minute x5
2 position snatch (high hang snatch + hang snatch)

-rest 2:00

On the minute x7
Snatch balance + pausing OHS 

*Use 50% for first set of both, then build without sacrificing technique

2.  On the minute x8 @70%
evens:  3 power snatch
odds:  3 snatch pull

3.  Snatch
5x1 @75%

Sunday, February 4, 2018

wOLY 2-7-18

1.  On the minute x5:
3-position squat clean (high-hang, knee, floor)

-rest 2:00

On the minute x5:
3 Jerks (choice)

-Using 50% first set for everything.

2.  Clean and Jerk
2 @60%
2 @65%
2 @70%
5x1 @75%

Front Squat
5x3 @75%

Friday, February 2, 2018

Saturday, February 3, 2018

On the 10 minutes:
1. From 0:00 to 10:00
Power snatch (115/75)
Burpee over bar

2. From 10:00 to 20:00
KB Swing (32/24kg)
Box jump over (24/20”)

3. At 20:00:
DB snatch (50/35)
Burpee over dumbbell